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Happy September!
Can you feel it? Are you detecting some fall vibes? Have you noticed the sun coming up a little later and disappearing a bit sooner? I have, and I’m experiencing some mixed emotions. I mean, heck, I love summer, and the shorter days and cooler weather can only mean one thing; winter is coming! Yikes!
But to be completely honest, fall has always been my favorite season. The heat and humidity of summer eases and is replaced by chilly nights and crisp, cool days. The harvest of our gardens and farms is changing over from green beans, tomatoes, melons and zucchini to the hardy cool weather crops; pumpkins, squash, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, beets, apples and grapes.
September transitions us into fall. With the summer produce that’s still available I’m sharing recipes for Italian Vegetable Soup with Brown Rice, Panzanella Salad, and Basil Pesto. (The Basil Pesto is also a key ingredient in two more dishes this month, the Cain & Abel Panini and Pesto Potatoes). Breakfast Sweet Potato Hash with Basted Eggs utilizes the versatile sweet potato, a fall favorite that is now abundant, and is a healthy, hearty way to power the first half of your day. (It is Barry’s and my favorite breakfast dish!).
You will rush to the kitchen to makeFresh Pear Cupcakes or Bundt Cake with Lemon & Honey Brown Butter Glaze, a delectable way to use pears, a fall staple. For your coffee or tea break enjoy Chocolate Chip Scones, tender, light, and decadent. And finally, after searching for twenty years to find a recipe for Steak Pizzaiola that my husband would put his stamp of approval on, I found it! (Check out the video for the whole story!)
Mark your calendars! This month we are hosting the very first fund-raising cooking class on Friday, September 16! It is free of charge, open to the first forty people who sign up. It will be held at Cabinets Plus here in Palatine, IL, the site of some of my videos (you will enjoy viewing all of the lovely kitchens and baths on display there). We are teaming up with my friend, Laura Blood, who works with Arbonne ( a company that produces pure, safe & beneficial personal care products), to raise awareness and funds for Rahabs Daughters (headquartered in Barrington).
This organization works tirelessly to rescue victims of human trafficking all over the world. They are truly a worthy cause, and a portion of all of the sales made that night, either subscriptions to Feast or Arbonne products, will go to them. The food prepared during the demo will be served, as well as some other dishes from the magazine. Enjoy a facial and see some make-overs! What a great opportunity to bring a friend who is new to Feast of Eden Cooks at Home, or would enjoy some pampering! Our goal is to start at 6:30 and have you on your way by 8:30.
This will be a great time-you don’t want to miss it! Reserve your spot by emailing me at I will need your name and phone number to save your seat! (If we run out of seats, we will schedule more classes in the months to come!)
There is so much more to share, but I think I should stop here. I so appreciate you all; thank you for welcoming me to your inbox and lives!
Blessings and……….
I’ll see you later, not so hungry!