Veggie "Pizza" Appetizer
I love recipes that can be used in more than one application! Fresh Herb Dip is slathered over a crust, topped with finely-minced fresh vegetables, then sprinkled with cheese. It is delicious! I have to credit my mother with this particular use as she came up with the idea. Thanks, Mother!
1 crust of your choice: canned crescent roll dough pressed onto a sheet pan and baked (this crust is sweeter than pizza dough), pizza dough rolled out thin to fit into a sheet pan and baked, or take a shortcut and use a Boboli or other purchased crust, baked for a few minutes (these crusts are par baked and need a little more time in the oven.) The crust can be any shape you like! I used small 6-inch pizza crusts and cut them into little triangles-very cute!
1-1 1/2 cups Fresh Herb Dip, enough to evenly coat the crust
6 cups (approximately) of finely minced fresh vegetables; carrot, different colored peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, hot peppers if you like heat. Use your imagination & the food processor to thinly slice and grate the veggies!
Grated cheese of your choice, a little or a lot
Coat the crust with the Fresh Herb Dip. Toss together the veggies and scatter over the crust; press down a bit. Do the same with the cheese, and press everything down firmly.
Cut into small pieces. Wrap tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve.