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This was always a top choice by my catering customers, and with good reason. Succulent, tender pork roasted slathered with a garlic, mustard and rosemary is roasted to perfection and was served with Cherry-Rhubarb Chutney on the side, or with a sauce made from the pan juices. Both are phenomenal. There is nothing difficult about this either! I always purchased a whole pork loin and trimmed it myself, but to save time purchase one that is already prepared, or ask your butcher to do it for you! There will be leftovers to make Mark's Favorite Pork Tenderloin Sandwich, and maybe even enough for Hearty Summer Spinach Salad! (Center portion serves 8)
1 whole boneless, center-cut pork loin, trimmed
Mustard & Herb Rub
1/4 cup olive oil 2 T. finely-minced garlic
1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons Kosher salt
1 Tablespoon finely-minced rosemary
1 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper
1 teaspoon all-purpose seasoning (I use Trade East)
Preheat oven to 350-degrees. Lightly grease the bottom of two heavy sheet pans or one large, shallow roasting pan. (If the sides of the pan are too high the meat will not brown nicely.)
The whole pork loin will be too long to fit on the baking sheet, so cut it in half, or take a piece off of each end, leaving the center piece intact. (You can cut the end pieces into filets to grill or pan-roast, or cut into strips for stir-fry. Roasting all of the loin will provide extra for other uses!) Coat each piece of meat evenly with the Mustard & Herb Rub. Place on baking pans and allow to stand for an hour.
(Before placing in the oven, I insert the probe of a programmable digital meat thermometer that allows me to place the probe in the meat and the thermometer has a magnet that I place on the oven door. It sounds an alarm when the meat is done-a perfect way to insure perfect doneness. These are very inexpensive and available at most discount department stores. If you do not have one, then use an instant read or regular meat thermometer.)
Place meat in the preheated oven and roast to 130-degrees F. (Check temperature after 35-40 minutes, then every 15 minutes until temperature is reached.) Remove from the oven and tent loosely with foil for 15 minutes and allow to rest before slicing and serving. Enjoy!