July Edition

Happy July!

It is the height of summer, and there is so much fun to be had!  July affords many opportunities to get together with loved ones and friends. Cookouts, picnics, showers, and reunions abound;  sharing good times and your favorite dishes highlight them all.  This is a great time of year.

Barry and I will soon be on our way to Indiana for our annual "Thanksmas" celebration.  What is that, you ask?  Our family started a tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas in July when the weather is good for travel and the multitude of adults, children, and dogs can have the run of the family farm!  And there will be fireworks!  My brother is expert, and with help from a few family members puts on a show that rivals some professional displays! It will be a great time for young and old alike.  We all bring our favorite summer dishes, which are varied and delicious.  What's on the menu for your summer outings?  I think you might find some ideas here!

The July edition contains recipes to make your events fabulous!  Marinated Grilled Chicken Breasts are a nice change from burgers and dogs, and leftovers are spectacular in salads and sandwiches.  Pair it with my Summer Pasta & Veggie Salad. It's bright, clean, refreshing flavors are perfect with all grilled dishes.  Of course there must be dessert, and Independence Day Cheesecake or Summertime Fresh Blueberry Pie will please your most discerning guests! (Watch the video for making and rolling out Basic Pie Crust-flaky, golden, and delicious! You will be shocked at the surprise ingredients!)  And you will love the way my Whipped Cream That Won't Fall Flat stands up to the warm weather on top of a pie, cheesecake, or any other dessert!

If you're having a breakfast or brunch gathering, then Lemon-Blueberry Sour Cream Muffins are a must! So tender and moist, they won't last long.  And Feast of Eden's Chicken Salad with Farmhouse Brioche on the side will make your showers, luncheons, or weekend lunches memorable.  On those days when the weather cools a bit, whip up some Spinach & Feta Soup, delicious with an Eve's Turkey Sandwich.

Find inspiration and ideas on the site including lemon flowers and flavored syrups for beverages.  All of the other tempting recipes will be oh-so-good for any event!  Be sure to check out the videos, Chef's Notes, and answers to Ask the Chef; as there are new posts going up all the time! 

We are just getting the ball rolling, with many great things ahead.  Thank you for being a part of Feast of Eden Cooks at Home's amazing family!  And until next time.......

I'll see you all later, hungry!