Pitcher of Arnold Palmers with a side of Limoncello for the "Grown-Up" version
I grew up watching my father pour iced tea and lemonade into the same glass out in a hay field to quench his powerful thirst. Many years ago, my mother and I would take iced tea, lemonade, and cookies out to the fields where my dad, brothers, and hired hands would be baling hay on a hot, humid summer afternoon. We were always a welcome interruption! Many years later I heard the combination called an "Arnold Palmer" after the golfer, apparently the drink was his favorite, too! ( In my mind it will always be the "Bill Nelson"). This is my favorite summer beverage, as well. To kick it up to cocktail level, I add some of my Limoncello and serve it as we sit out on the deck or patio enjoying the evening. Either version is awesome, so be sure to have the makings for this drink in your refrigerator all summer long!
1 gallon-size tea bag, or equivalent number of smaller bags to make one gallon of tea
1 1/2-2 cups sugar (adjust to your preference)
1 1/2 cups strained, freshly-squeezed lemon juice
In a 1-gallon pitcher with lid, place 1 quart of almost-boiling water. Add the tea bag(s) and allow to steep for 5 minutes. With a slotted spoon, remove the tea bags. Immediately add sugar to the hot teat and stir until dissolved. Add the lemon juice and stir. Add 4 cups of ice and enough cold water to make 1 gallon of "Arnold Palmer". Place in the refrigerator and chill until very cold, 3-4 hours.
Serve over ice. To make the "Grown-Up" version, pour 1/4 cup of Limoncello over ice in a tall glass, then fill with the Arnold Palmer mixture.